Moviescreens Technologies
Development and distribution of inflatable screens.
Moviescreens Technologies GmbH belongs to the Moviescreens Group (Moviescreens Rental GmbH, Moviescreens Event GmbH, Moviescreens Espana S.L.). The parent company is marja group GmbH.
For more than 28 years, the name Moviescreens has been associated with the development and sale of inflatable mobile screen solutions, but this is more likely to mean today’s sister company, Moviescreens Rental GmbH, 1996 and others. founded by Alexander Thye.
Since 2017, Moviescreens Technologies GmbH is a member of The International Cinema Technology Association, a global network of professionals in the motion picture industry. Members of the ICTA manufacture, service and create the equipment for movie theatres, all are on the cutting edge of new technologies.